Two wonderful volunteers came up to the room and helped us to our car. Here we are riding the elevator down to the lobby.

Here we are getting ready to leave the hospital and get in the car.

Lydia slept the entire ride home, her first car ride, all 10 minutes of it. On the way home, we stopped by Natalie's office, which was on the way, to show off Lydia to her co-workers.

As you can see below, she didn't appreciate the house and all of our hard work preparing it for her right off the bat. We, however, were certainly appreciative of the beautiful flower arrangement given to us by Tara, Tyler, and Tessa (our next-door neighbors).

Feeding time

Sleep time - for now! She truly prefers sleeping during the day and, well, not sleeping at night!

And bath time. She didn't like that very much.

It's much better being clean.

Here's a picture with her great-grandmother

These are really nice pictures. You should go to mainmag.net and put it on a fridge magnet and send it to all your friends and family.
OMG! What is IN that syringe Natalie is giving her! ;)
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